In the filter panel, you can select specific course sections that you would want in your schedule. Note that
you can select multiple sections from each course, and that not selecting any filters for a course means you're
okay with any section of that course. Note that closed sections aren't included.
Heads up
Since you've refreshed, specific sections or entire courses you've selected have filled up and have been removed
from your list.
In this panel, you can find all the possible schedules (permutations) generated by the courses and sections you
specified. For each permutation, you can see the availability of the most-filled section in the top right corner.
This percentage can serve as a rough proxy for how likely it will be to secure that particular permutation, and
the schedules are automatically sorted in descending order of lowest availability. Click on a course to see its
data or hover to see its professor(s).
Note that metaschedule does not consider two courses in different half-semesters to ever
conflict, so if two courses occur at the same time but different half-semesters, they may appear to overlap in the
Metaschedule is a tool for building possible schedules when you know which courses you want to take but don't know for
sure which sections will be available. You can search for courses in the course search panel and add any course
with the + button. You can also see information about the course and its sections by clicking on the course card
anywhere you see one. Note that courses whose sections are all closed are grayed out.
In the filter panel, you can be more specific about your courses. If you don't have any section preferences, you can add no
filters. If you know you want to take a specific section of a course, you can select that section, and if you'd like to consider multiple,
you can do that too! (Closed sections aren't included.) Whenever you'd like to generate schedules from your selections, you can hit the
generate schedules button. You can then scroll through the permutations calculated, which are sorted by the lowest course availability
in each permutation.
Finally, you can add custom time commitments during times you don't want any courses scheduled. To do this, click the add custom button in the
your commitments panel.
Hope this helped!
Add custom commitment
Search for a course:
Course info and sections
Your commitments
Possible schedules will appear here when you generate them.
It doesn't look like there's any open schedules with these courses!